
Weaning Fun

Baby Led Weaning - Megan enjoying some toast

Megan is now 6 months old and we’ve started weaning, we’ve opted to do a combination of purees and baby led weaning for ease. Much easier(and not so messy!) to feed her purees when we are out and about.

Baby Led Weaning - Megan enjoying some toast

She is doing quite well and hasn’t really refused anything.

Baby led weaning can get quite messy, so we usually put a shower curtain under the high chair to make clean up a little easier. When we weaned Josh we bought a fancy padded highchair but it was awful to keep synthroid generic clean, so it was quickly replaced with an easy to clean one.

We have always sat at the table at meal times and its lovely that Megan can now sit with us and participate. Its been quite entertaining, Josh and Kate love watching her reactions and the faces she pulls when she tries something new. They are very positive and offer lots of encouragement for her to try new things, despite not being adventurous eaters themselves!


This is my entry for the Tots 100/Waterwipes Milestone Challenge.

See my other blogs: http://www.catchingupwiththeclarkes.co.uk and http://www.playasyoulearn.com

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